Al Hijra Open University is bringing you an excellent opportunity for a 5 years comprehensive Islamic course. This course will be consisted of 10 semesters in which you will be able to study tafseer, hadees , fiqh, arabic and other core Islamic subjects under the direct supervision of the experienced teachers/faculty. Furthermore, the students will be provided with an opportunity to specialise in any of the offered courses and they will also receive a certificate upon the completion of the course.
Dars e Nizami
Sr No | Subjects | Resource Books |
1 | The Creed | Get your Belief from the Quran and Authentic Prophet Tradition
(خذ عقيدتك) |
2 | Explanation of the Holy Quran | Preface + 1st Part + 2nd part |
3 | Prophetic tradition | Forty Hadith of an-Nawawi
( الأربعون النووية ) |
4 | The Prophetic biography | Tajal-liyaat – e – Nubuwwat
(تجليات نبوت) |
5 | Arabic Grammar [Syntax] | Ilm – Un – Nahw (علم النحو) |
6 | Arabic Grammar [Morphology] | Ilm – Us – Sarf (علم الصرف) |
7 | Arabic Conversation | العربية بين يديك |
8 | Science of the intonated recitation of the Qur’an | Qawaid-ut-Tajweed
(قواعد التجويد) |
Sr No | Subjects | Resource Books |
1 | The Creed | Get your Belief from the Quran and Authentic Prophet Tradition
(خذ عقيدتك) |
2 | Explanation of the Holy Quran | Surah Al-Baqarah [The Cow] |
3 | Prophetic tradition | Kitaab ul Jaami from Buloogh ul Maraam
( كتاب الجامع من بلوغ المرام ) |
4 | The Prophetic biography | Tajal-liyaat – e – Nubuwwat
(تجليات نبوت) |
5 | Arabic Grammar [Syntax] | Ilm – Un – Nahw (علم النحو) |
6 | Arabic Grammar [Morphology] | Ilm – Us – Sarf (علم الصرف) |
7 | Arabic Conversation | العربية بين يديك |
8 | Science of the intonated recitation of the Qur’an | Qawaid-ut-Tajweed
(قواعد التجويد) |
Sr No | Subjects | Resource Books |
1 | The Creed | Kitab at-Tauhid – The Book of Monotheism – Selected Chapters (كتاب التوحيد – الأبواب المنتخبة) |
2 | Explanation of the Holy Quran | Surah Aal-e-Imraan till Surah Al-A’raaf |
3 | Prophetic tradition | Umda-tul-Ahkaam
( عمدة الأحكام) |
4 | The Study of Hadith Terminology | Taiseer-Mustalah-al-Hadith
(تيسير مصطلح الحديث) |
5 | Arabic Grammar [Syntax] | At-Tohfatus-Saniyah (التحفة السنية) |
6 | Arabic Grammar [Morphology] | Ilm – Us – Sarf [2nd Part] (علم الصرف آخرين) |
7 | Arabic Reading | قصص النبيين / معهد اللغة العربية |
8 | History | Caliph’s History Notes
(تاريخ الخلفاء) |
Sr No | Subjects | Resource Books |
1 | The Creed | Kitab at-Tauhid – The Book of Monotheism – Selected Chapters (كتاب التوحيد – الأبواب المنتخبة) |
2 | Explanation of the Holy Quran | Surah Aal-e-Imraan till Surah Al-A’raaf |
3 | Prophetic tradition | Umda-tul-Ahkaam
( عمدة الأحكام) |
4 | The Study of Hadith Terminology | Taiseer-Mustalah-al-Hadith
(تيسير مصطلح الحديث) |
5 | Arabic Grammar [Syntax] | At-Tohfatus-Saniyah (التحفة السنية) |
6 | Arabic Grammar [Morphology] | Ilm – Us – Sarf [2nd Part] (علم الصرف آخرين) |
7 | Arabic Phrase | معهد اللغة العربية |
8 | History | Caliph’s History Notes
(تاريخ الخلفاء) |
Sr No | Subjects | Resource Books |
1 | The Creed | Al Aqeedat ul Wasitiyah (العقيدة الواسطية) |
2 | Explanation of the Holy Quran | Surah Al-Anfaal till Surah Al-Furqan |
3 | Prophetic tradition | Sunan-An-Nasai + Sunan Ibn-e- Majah [Selected Chapters]
( سنن النسائي + سنن ابن ماجة – الأبواب المنتخبة) |
4 | The Study of Hadith Terminology | Tadween-Us-Sunnah
(تدوين السنة) |
5 | Arabic Grammar [Syntax] | Hidaya-tun-Nahw (هداية النحو) |
6 | The Study of Quranic Terminology | Uloom-ul-Qur’an (علوم القرآن) |
7 | The Jurisprudence | تاريخ التشريع |
8 | Methodology of Sunnites | Notes |
Sr No | Subjects | Resource Books |
1 | The Creed | Al Aqeedat ul Wasitiyah (العقيدة الواسطية) |
2 | Explanation of the Holy Quran | Surah Al-Furqanl till Surah An-Naas |
3 | Prophetic tradition | Sunan-An-Nasai + Sunan Ibn-e- Majah [Selected Chapters]
( سنن النسائي + سنن ابن ماجة – الأبواب المنتخبة) |
4 | The Study of Hadith Terminology | Tadween-Us-Sunnah
(تدوين السنة) |
5 | Arabic Grammar [Syntax] | Hidaya-tun-Nahw (هداية النحو) |
6 | The Study of Quranic Terminology | Uloom-ul-Qur’an (علوم القرآن) |
7 | The Jurisprudence | الفقه الميسر ( الطهارة – الصلاة) |
8 | Methodology of Sunnites | Notes |
Sr No | Subjects | Resource Books |
1 | The Creed | The Pillars of Faith [Notes] (أركان الإيمان – مذكرة) |
2 | Explanation of the Holy Quran | Surah Al-Furqanl till Surah An-Naas |
3 | Prophetic tradition | Sunan-Abu-Dawood + Al-Jami Tirmazi [Selected Chapters]
( سنن أبي داود+ سنن ترمذي – الأبواب المنتخبة) |
4 | The Study of Hadith Terminology | Nukhba-Tul-Fikr
(نخبة الفكر) |
5 | Arabic Grammar [Syntax] | Explanation of The Hundred governing powers. (شرح مائة عامل) |
6 | The Study of The Jurisprudence | Al-Usool Min Ilm-il-Usool (الأصول من علم الأصول) |
7 | The Jurisprudence | الفقه الميسر ( الصوم – الحج – الزكاة) |
8 | Rejection of dissensions and Atheism | Notes |
Sr No | Subjects | Resource Books |
1 | The Creed | The Pillars of Faith [Notes] (أركان الإيمان – مذكرة) |
2 | Explanation of the Holy Quran | Surah Al-Furqanl till Surah An-Naas |
3 | Prophetic tradition | Sunan-Abu-Dawood + Al-Jami Tirmazi [Selected Chapters]
( سنن أبي داود+ سنن ترمذي – الأبواب المنتخبة) |
4 | The Study of Hadith Terminology | Nukhba-Tul-Fikr
(نخبة الفكر) |
5 | Arabic Grammar [Syntax] | Explanation of The Hundred governing powers. (شرح مائة عامل) |
6 | The Study of The Jurisprudence | Al-Usool Min Ilm-il-Usool (الأصول من علم الأصول) |
7 | The Jurisprudence | الفقه الميسر ( الصوم – الحج – الزكاة) |
8 | Rejection of dissensions and Atheism | Notes |
Sr No | Subjects | Resource Books |
1 | The Creed | Al Aqeedat ut Tahawiyah (العقيدة الطحاوية) |
2 | Prophetic tradition | Sahih-Al-Bukhari + Sahih Muslim [Selected Chapters]
( صحيح البخاري + صحيح مسلم – الأبواب المنتخبة) |
3 | The Study of Hadith Terminology | Usool-Ut-Takhreej
(أصول التخريج) |
4 | Heritage Education | Notes |
5 | Religious cults and sects | الموسوعة الميسرة |
6 | The Jurisprudence Rules | Preface of Bidaya-tul-Mujtahid + Notes (مقدمة بداية المجتهد + مذكرة) |
7 | The Jurisprudence | Islamic economics الاقتصاد الإسلامي |
8 | Library and research | Notes |
Sr No | Subjects | Resource Books |
1 | The Creed | Al Aqeedat ut Tahawiyah (العقيدة الطحاوية) |
2 | Prophetic tradition | Sahih-Al-Bukhari + Sahih Muslim [Selected Chapters]
( صحيح البخاري + صحيح مسلم – الأبواب المنتخبة) |
3 | The Study of Hadith Terminology | Introduction to Books of discrediting and endorsement of narrators
(أصول التخريج) |
4 | Heritage Education | Notes |
5 | Religious cults and sects | الموسوعة الميسرة |
6 | The Fundamentals of Islamic propagation | Notes |
7 | The Jurisprudence | Islamic economics الاقتصاد الإسلامي |
8 | Library and research | Notes |